Cataract Surgery

Enhance and restore your vision

Cataract eye surgery is a very common and safe procedure that can restore and enhance your vision. We insist on using the most modern advances in cataract surgery for our patients. We ensure that your procedure is done safely and comfortably. You may also be a candidate to correct and enhance your vision by minimizing your use of glasses after your procedure.

Restore vision pathway

If you are considering treating your cataracts you can choose to have your vision restored or enhanced. In the Restore Pathway, the goal is to make your vision sharper and brighter and to make colors look more vivid and “true”. Almost all patients find daily activities and hobbies easier and more enjoyable.

While most patients have a decreased need for glasses after having their cataracts removed, glasses will be needed for some if not all activities. Patients who choose the Restore Pathway will need to either wear reading glasses, distance glasses, or some combination of both, for example, lined bifocal or progressive lenses

Enhance vision pathway

After deciding to have your cataracts removed, you can choose to have your vision Restored or Enhanced. In the Enhance Pathway, there are two main goals. The first goal is to improve your vision by making it sharper, clearer, brighter, and colors to appear more vivid.

The second goal is to dramatically reduce your dependence on glasses. In the Enhance Pathway most patients, but not all, report never using glasses for their daily activities or hobbies. This means that they can see in the distance while driving, for example, and also up close while reading a book or newspaper and looking on a phone or tablet without any need for glasses.

Some patients in the Enhance Pathway still need glasses for some activities. For example, some patients report never using glasses except for one or two specific activities such as painting, driving, computers, knitting, or tying flies. The expectation for this pathway should be reduced need for glasses with the understanding that you might need glasses for some of your activities.

For patients that wish to reduce their need for glasses, our surgeons use multiple strategies to achieve each patient’s goals.

Get to know our doctors

Our friendly team consists of hard-working associates that do everything they can to make your experience one you feel met your eye care needs and did so personally, professionally and punctually. Meet our Utah team of Doctors.

David Dodds,
Stephen Brockbank,
Rolando Abundo,

Do you have questions. View our FAQs.

We get asked questions about numerous things regarding eye care services. We’ve compiled some of the most common questions to help you on your search for your eye care needs.

For further information on these or other topics, please see the patient education portal on the American Academy of Ophthalmology website at

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the world and is extremely safe and effective.

In traditional cataract surgery, our surgeons make incisions in the cornea using handheld blades to access the cataract. Our surgeons then use a surgical instrument to manually open the lens capsule that holds the cataract. The goal is to make the corneal incisions precise and the opening in the lens capsule circular, centered, and the correct size to fit the replacement lens.

With laser-assisted cataract surgery, our surgeons use a computer to map your eye giving them a real-time 3D image in which to guide the laser. The laser then makes the corneal incisions with exceptional accuracy. Moreover, the laser creates the circular opening with the exact size, shape, and location desired.

Our physicians also use the laser to break up and soften the hard cataract. Softening the lens with the Catalys® laser enables our surgeons to then remove the cataract more gently and with significantly less ultrasound energy than is used in traditional cataract surgery.  This gentle, low energy approach can reduce inflammation and help speed visual recovery.

Your surgeon will remove the cloudy lens, the cataract, and replace it with a clear lens implant. The specifics of this lens depend on how willing you are to wear glasses after surgery. We offer two pathways for you: a Restored Vision Pathway and an Enhanced Vision Pathway. If you don’t mind wearing glasses for most activities, the Restore Vision Pathway is perfect. However, if you would like to have the best possible vision without glasses, the Enhance Vision Pathway with laser-assisted cataract surgery, is a great option with great visual outcomes.  Understanding your visual expectations and desires will help our surgeons recommend the best surgical option for your individual needs.

Experience a personalized eye exam with our Medical professionals today